This is all very interesting. I had heard of redshirting for academic or sporting reasons, but never really thought that much about it, as how did it affect my child ? Ds6 is in 1st grade at a Title 1 school (about 70% of the students are free or reduced lunches). We actually open enrolled our son there,as it is convenient to my work, as well as being the specialised "Math, Science and Technology" school. I doubt very much that there is any redshirting going on here, so other than kids who were held back in Kindergarten, they are in the "right" grade for their age on the whole. Ds6 in now in 1st grade, he has a June birthday so is probably one of the youngest kids - and is definitely one of the shortest

However, he is way ahead of the game academically (one of two top readers, and the top in math). It's interesting to think how different things might be if he were in a different school - there are several where I know many kids don't start K until a year late (I run a daycare, and a couple of my kids went to private preschool, and were told they weren't ready for K, even though I know they were !) An interestng discussion - thanks !