We have k12 provided by our state. When I called to ask about it they said they don't accelerate students but they have an honors route. It was a bit confusing because their web site seem to indicate they do accelerate. Do you know if k12 accelerates if you are not going through the state?
Public school K12 schools may want your child to start in the age grade level and then allow them to accelerate in math and english. If they complete the lessons (meet objectives)in math and/or english before the end of March usually, then they will send the next year's math and/or english to start work on. Now I have heard of some students being placed in a higher grade altogether initially, but I have also heard that they are really trying to get students to start at age appropriate grade level

However, sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease

Also, sometimes K12 will give the student an assessment to determine the appropriate grade level.
As far as the private K12, I would imagine that they are a lot more flexible. It does cost a fair amount of money, but that is relative to which part of the country you live in

I would ask for clarification from your local K12 school on acceleration or working at a faster pace. In our school he is also free to work at a faster pace in other subjects, but the school will only give him math and language arts materials early and not the rest. This is ok with me since we have so much flexibility that we can play with many other things in regards to education