He needs interesting challenging things for his brain to work on. If he knows all that material already, then he is trying to ... "cope" and amuse himself.
I think other parents will chime in. You're not alone. This is the place to be.
Can he read? (Not all gifted children read early.)
Written output?
Puzzless? Mazes?
Art work?
hang in there
I agree. My ds was humming, squirming, spacing out and yet knew all of the material. I believe it is mostly normal for little boys to be like this and especially in the gifted setting. I will say that these things have been getting better over time. My son is now 8 and it is astounding how he improves every couple of months or so. Now granted, I am schooling my son at home via a cyber charter school since the schools could not meet his needs. Frankly, I am concerned that they never will meet his needs especially in this neck of the woods. OTOH, we do a lot of activities and classes with other teachers and I can definitely see improvements.
IMHO, sure could there be other problems with your ds, but I would give him time especially if he knows the basics of reading, writing, and math

He may have the squirmies for quite a few more years especially if school is boring
Hopefully the school can be creative and give him more challenging work to do. IMHO, I would give him lots of time.