And so has emerged the trend of Kerala Apartments on smaller and smaller plots of land, with architects and engineers coming up with ingenious solutions to make the best use of the limited space available. But is this a viable solution in a city like Kochi?

The idea is too green for Kochi. However, in Bangalore, the idea has been largely accepted by the people. People are only able to afford a small piece of land. Three cents of land is big in Bangalore. People make homes on plots of just about 1.5 cents too.

The architects have been doing a good job in creating homes for people in the limited space with most of the modern requirements. Designing is quite an art and a challenge in a limited area. In a flat, the scope of creating a home of one's choice becomes limited as the basic design is provided by the builder.

One can perhaps change the setting of the rooms according to one's choice or create an open space by not having a wall etc. As builders are primarily driven by the commercial aspect, there is a compromise on design aspects sometimes. Designing an independent home gives one the advantage of having everything according to one's choice. Since there is a limit to providing facilities in a limited space, architects try to give the advantage of an open feel to such homes

Apartments have also got really good services, such as swimming pools, saunas, gymnasiums, laundries, tennis courts and much more things you will see when checking each of them. Most of them are located in places which attract tourists attention, such as shopping centers, restaurants, bars/pubs and night clubs, but if you want a quiet location you can also get one. There is also a lot of persons that choose to stay in apartments, because it is cheaper than a hotel.