Here is the big question. What is to gain with a diagnosis? Really, a diagnosis isn't necessary for an IEP, period. Qualifiying, documented need is all that is necessary for an IEP. My DD has an AS diagnosis by a psychologist that isn't recognized by the school. One isn't necessary for services. She has a pragmatic speech delay and that qualifies her for services. That doesn't make sense unless they are pushing for money. I would read up on IDEA 2004 before any more meetings and look at what benefit your son would get from all this testing. If he is doing well this year then it might not need addressed at all right now.
Completely unrelated to the problem at hand with the school. It is common for many AS kids to test 'within normal range' on speech tests such as the CASL and others commonly given but fail miserably when given something like the PLSI (pragmatic language skills inventory). So, if they aren't giving the right test he may have AS and not qualify without the right test. Does that make sense? My DD didn't qualify two years ago because the school didn't yet have the PLSI. Most GT kids walk all over the CASL regardless of an AS diagnosis until around middle to high school. I'm not saying he has AS, just giving you the scenario.

The psychologist picked up on it where the speech therapist didn't until later when pressed for more AS specific testing.