Wow, LG, I'm exhausted from just reading about your day-to-day life! I work more than a full-time job and have lots of family duties, but you make me look like a slacker

It sounds like you are stretched beyond the limits of what most humans could possibly do. You didn't specify why you have to both work and go to school full time - is it financial responsibilities, or the desire to excel in everything? You could probably answer that question better yourself...
I have never been in your position, but I have worked >100 hours/week for weeks and months at a time. My experience was that I could not do it all. I work much less now, but I still have to prioritize, which means setting limits, and letting things "go" if they aren't critical. Anyone who has seen my housekeeping skills can attest, I have let some things "go", for my own health and inner peace. I cannot be everything to everyone all of the time.
I would make a gentle suggestion - figure out what can "go" in your life. Can you cut back your classes at school? It may take longer to get your degree, but you may find you can function more efficiently if you're well-rested and healthy.