I hope it went well.
Our update:
DS5 does not like Kindy. and I don't blame him... sigh.
He is beginning to resent homework [because it easy? because it is pointless? Practice zipping and unzipping your back pack. Practice counting to 30 or higher...] and he has told me how he doesn't like the rules and that they don't make sense. (during line up keep your mouth closed and arns at your side. there was a off-balanced rhyme that went with these instructions)
He also says it is not fun (except for the legos). From my and DH's point of view, we are dissapointed because he is not learning anything new either.
I had planned on not advocating because we are moving in a few months but I think we need to do something before he starts acting out or worse. Not sure what to ask for though...
"Can you provide more interesting stimulating work that is hands on and messy and give each child (all 25!) individaul attention and let them ask as many questions as they want and spend more time outside exploring nature and animals and less time inside doing mind-numbing worksheets?"
oh yeah. that would go over really well.
At least he likes his afterschool program.