Alli-cat: my DS5.5 also doesn't like people messing up his stuff, but he's very social. He prefers to play with the "more mature" girls in his class, as opposed to the "less mature" boys. Since your DC is a girl, she is probably the maturist in the class and doesn't have that "older" friend. On the flip side, it's very common for perfectionists to not want anyone touching their things, messing them up, and feel they are better off doing "it" by themselves (I am VERY guilty of all three, especially the latter in the "real world").
EastnWest: glad your DS has a friend! And if it's any relief to hear, my DS's class is doing the same thing - and he is bored!
Mom2twoboys: I know we are all guilty of thinkin' the worst because we've all fought to get our kids where they need to be... but rookie teachers aren't always THAT bad. Maybe the cursive post card shows she has high expectations for her class which might be a plus for your DS7!!!

And just a random update from me: DS5.5 still won't tell me what he does at school. He thinks it's funny NOT to tell me. But I can tell when he's really bored b/c he comes home with the worst attitude!!! His homework tonight was to read a 7 page book - This is my mom. She works here. This is my dad. He works here. He fought me tooth and nail at first, then was like, "duh". Sad when HE is the one saying that! We still have 3-4 more weeks of testing/meetings/etc... fun!