The last two years has been exceptionally chaotic with my oldest 2E DS15. I was very worried about his GPA, poor study skills, and self-managing his ADHD. (I would love to manage this for him, however, he insists on being autonomous. With his doctor's supervision and recommendation, we allowed him some freedom). Top the 2E issues with an influx of teenage hormone, I think I've lost too much hair on my head. Besides, much to my reluctance to allow him to use meds at first, this has been the first 1-1/2 years on meds. What drove me insane was the procrastination. His unit test for preIB chemistry was 3 days away and he forgot to study when the whole class started this unit 3 weeks ago.

He studies the night before with downloaded homework sheets and completes them in an hour

Then makes a 100 on the test. Some of his poor grades was the gamble he took studying like this and then forgetting the test is TODAY.
Ok.... I'm getting to the good news. He didn't make the top 10% though he may still have a chance. He did excellently on his PSAT and he managed to complete all of his preIB/AP courses with an average around 88-95. Anyway, last year he participated in a 2E study where he scored the highest in logical reasoning skills at a local medical university... so this year, as they were following up with him, we got a call from 2 different university advisors who told him what they would like to see him do academically at his high school before he graduates. They also told him, their university has some sort of center to accomodate dx ADHD students as long as they can identify what it is they need in order to be successful.
Now my son is on cloud9. He's managing his medication, diet, exercise, and relationship with others on his own (with me monitoring silently). I am hoping this will last ....