Thank you, JJ's Mom, that's exactly the vein of my post.

DD 28 mos. has started teasing me. Yes, teasing me.
At dinner last night:
DH: "DD, would you like a pickle?"
DD: "No. Um, yes, I think I will have a pickle."
DH: "Wife? Would you like a pickle"
Me: "No thanks."
DD: "Oh Mama, come on. Have a pickle. Don't be afraid."
Me: (laughing) "I'm not afraid, I just don't want one."
DD: "Come on now, Mama, you know you'll like it."
Me: (laughing harder) "No thanks."
DD: "You gotta live a little. You know it will be fun."
Me: (laughing so hard I can't speak)
DD: "Sometimes you just have to do something crazy, like have a pickle."
DD had a deadpan delivery the whole time, even though she knew she was making us laugh harder and harder. She was really working her audience.