We actually live near and applied to Capitol Hill. But it doesn't matter how you score, or even where you are academically to get into that school. You get tagged GT by achieving a 92% on the NNAT or by being above 87% on the NNAT and portfolio. After that, getting in is pure lottery. 40% of the kids at our old school test in. Our neighborhood school actually does almost as well on standardized testing as the GT school.
Teachers there are GT saavy and I've heard there are a number of 2E kids doing well there. But not great for HG+ kids, and really it's just a bit better than a good "regular" public school. They do more ability grouping and some nice deep hands on projects, but you'd probably have to advocate hard to get more than that.
But it's nice to hear something positive going on in terms of GT in our area anyway!

Thanks for the link.