Hi Katelyn's mom,
Well, in addition to the OEs we are all pretty familiar with, this year he developed a weird autoimmune problem that caused erratic behavior and writing problems.
Here is the original thread I posted about him:
http://giftedissues.davidsongifted....aphia_PANDAS_Or_just_gift.html#Post38358Even here I now realize I am suggesting that he might "flunk" first grade, though I did not believe it could really happen!
This whole year has been a big disaster, and she's right-- he's simply not doing his work. Though his grades for the first two grading periods were pretty good, which I thought was strange at the time... I actually suspected the teacher was just trying to be nice to us!
She is not really saying "flunk" or "repeat" but just that there won't be enough work to give him a grade.
I don't think homeschooling will miraculously solve all our defiance and resistance problems, as it has for some people here, because he has an underlying physical problem, but I do think it's probably the best thing for him.