Ok, here is the american site..
http://www.usgo.org/resources/internet.htmlAlso, discussion of 'Ko' - a really neat and interesting part of play...
http://www.usgo.org/CD2003/Columns/GoOnline_20030113.htm"The "ko" rule, which ensures a result in nearly every game by avoiding endlessly repetitive situations on the board, leads to situations of fascinating complexity: double and triple kos, multi-stage and multi-step kos, "hot" and "cold" kos, flower-viewing kos, thousand-year kos, "super-ko" and thousands of other peculiar positions, including the mind-bending "molasses ko." In truth, few if any of us truly understand the depth of those complications. Ko fights often decide games, especially if one player is afraid. Life and death problems often center on the question of finding, or avoiding, ko. "
*I am NOT saying I understand this!!