No, I can assure you that no one was "put off" by anything. You are very welcome here.
I think you're just asking about things that we aren't very experienced with. Grinity raised the issues for discussion that I would ask, too. It is possible to be "twice exceptional": that is, gifted and with some sort of learning disability. That might be what's going on for you. Do you know much about this? It isn't an either/or thing.
Do you feel gifted? Do you think differently than other people? Do you learn differently?
These sorts of things matter more than test scores, really. A tst is just one snapshot on one day. How you feel and what you know about yourself is far more useful to you, far more important.
Personally, I wouldn't feel comfortable with trying to recommend a specific career path to you based on nothing more than a day's worth of IQ test scores and a pile of "I did horribly on"s. That's not enough to go on for me to start making recs about how you should live your life. Instead, I'll ask some questions to help you start thinking about how you want to live your life:
What do you enjoy? Waht are you passionate about? What do you think you're good at? What do you do/have you ever done that made you feel most like yourself? Most whole? Most fulfilled?
What do you detest doing? What do you never want to do again? Why not?
These sorts of questions are far more useful than test scores, I think, when trying to decide on a career path.
Have you considered using your college's career placement service? They might be helpful, and they will usually help alumni as well as current students. If that's impractical, there are career coaches who might be useful to you. And there are lots of books available on the subject of finding a career you can really care about and succeed in.
I'm happy to talk more if you want to discuss this further. But I'm not sure anyone here can give you exactly what you're asking for. If we did, I'm not sure it would be very useful to you anyway. Maybe this will work instead?