The short answer- YES. I make him do all his homework

The long answer is that his teacher doesn't believe in homework... or reading in school... or teaching to his level or... I could go on. (In an unrelated story, she took a book away from him during free choice because there is no reading allowed during free time) So I give him homework every Monday. When the packet is done, he can play video games on a school night. If it's not done, no video games! No discussion from me, it's just on the table Monday when he gets home from school. Some weeks he does it willingly, some weeks he does one a day, some weeks he grumbles on Thursday about missing his Wii and does it all before dinner.
Each packet has 4-5 parts- usually a math worksheet at his level or a math game, a writing worksheet (starting this week- a writing prompt), some sort of craft activity to improve his fine motor skill and a science experiment or website to check out.
I'm probably a really mean mom...