My DS8 is currently in 2nd grade at our local PS. After taking the SCAT through JHU we made the school aware of his test results. They gave him multiple 3rd grade year-end benchmark tests and last week we met with his principal and teacher to hear their "plan". Beginning this week he will remain in his 2nd grade class and go to third for language arts and to the highest differentiated 3rd grade math class. Their plan is for him to go to 4th grade next year instead of 3rd.
The school obviously has to make available to him the 3rd grade math textbook/workbook and 3rd grade reading book - I would hope. They have sent me the information on the 3rd grade science and social studies books so that I can purchase them. I asked for them during our meeting last week and was told I would have to purchase them. Now, 3rd grade social studies is huge in our state. Our state test weighs this info very heavily. I am a bit peeved as he will miss exposure to the 3rd grade social studies curriculum due to to an Educational Plan devised by his school. I do not think it's outrageous that they supply him with a textbook for the year so that we can go through it together.
I called about the social studies and science textbooks yesterday - $100 plus shipping and that doesn't include any of the workbooks.
To me, it seems like they are willing to place him where he needs to be but are unwilling to deal with the ramifications of such a move. Am I right to feel this way? Am I being unreasonable?