Hi im DS11 on my mom's account. I have summarized a theory of evolution that is more realistic than anything that has been published so far.
Many say people evolved because of their up-right posture, some people say that humans evolved because of their thumb, I belive humans evolved because of their middle finger.
In the Ying-Yang symbol there is a dot of good in evil and a dot of evil in good. I belive that this means that good can create evil and evil can do good. I think that the part of evil in good relates to that humans evolved because of their wanting to rise in the world, or become more powerful, (evil). We are one of the only animals on the planet to be never satisfied. If a dog gets a bone as long as it is chewing it will be happy. If someone gets a new mac-book its great... Until the mac-book air comes out. I recently recieved a mac-book and now even I am wanting the new one. I think that the wanting (evil) has made good because we are still alive.
In the garden of eden adam and eve were told NEVER to eat fruit from the two sacred trees. The snake invluenced them to eat apples and that was bad (evil). BUT if they had never eaten the apples we would not be ALIVE!
To summarize this I am saying that Human competetiveness, greed, and stubbornness (all thought to be bad) has made us here today (which i think is good)!
What I am trying to portray is the fact that EVERYTHING needs to be looked upon fairly, things should be said as they are, not good or evil, Bad or good.
Thank you for reading this
