Here’s my suggestion:
* Read up on what your state requires for gifted identification and gifted services. In my state, the schools are required to identify gifted children but have no obligation to provide services.
* If the school has any gifted or acceleration, see what it takes to qualify and consider if your children match those qualifications. Sometimes you have to request testing or retesting.
* Look to support giftedness outside of school. What kind of creative are they? Music, art, building things, etc? What resources are out there?
* I also live in a rural area, things like scouts, 4H, FFA are available and encourage kids to pursue interests.
* look at your local community for opportunities: ours has a good library with free programs, festivals, farmers market, county and state parks. You can find enrichment all over the place if you are looking: birds of prey program at the park, D&D club at the library, science demos and author visits at the library. Beekeeping & honey harvesting demos at festivals.
* Family hobbies like fishing, hiking, camping, bird watching, board games, gardening, building things, etc can expand learning opportunities.
* Keep them in books! Read a lot!
Last edited by millersb02; 02/10/25 06:42 AM.