Hey all,
Just wanted to recommend a science resource that I felt was tremendous. Physics Jim provides a physics course that is very kid-friendly. My daughter LOVED that it was set up for webconference. Once a week all the kids logged on and it was live. They could cross chat while Jim taught the class.
I haven't seen anything like this, I think it's spot on for our kids. Very progressive, however, I think this should be the norm for education, not the exception.
Jim has given my permission to post the link to two recorded classes so you could see what I'm talking about.
(No, I don't get paid for this! I'm promoting it purely for principle.)
Newton's Third Law
https://sciencejim.webex.com/scienc...p;rID=10521247&rKey=8B962856DE6B0770 The chat may have been disabled for the privacy of the students. There is a tool bar on the top right. I believe you have to click video to get the image. May want to click on the others to see how it works.
This is the link to his website for signing up. I think a new class starts in January: