I've also included this post under my old achivement/ability discrepany under the testing threat. Thought perhaps it might have been preferable to start a new one here - my apologies i am still new at posting.
Again, thank you so much for all your help in the past. I am back and now have the report and the individual subtest scores and was wondering if anyone could add anything (? The psych says probably "2E" - gifted visual spatial with some verbal strength and auditory sequential weaknesses as he has demonstrated many of the typical characteristics of visual spatial learner (both at school, to his parents and to her). For example, he seemes to be finding more complex thinking easy but basic skills hard. She said he seemed to be really invigorated by the more complex questions on the WISC (in verbal and perceptual area) and relatively bored and not as interested on the achievement test. I know there was some queries as to which subtests were highest on WISC and also on the WIAT. Well here goes -
Similarities 17
Word Reasoning 16
Vocabulary 15
Comprehension 14
Information 14
Perceptual -
Pic Concepts 18
Mat Reas 15
Block Design 15
Pic Comp 11
Working Memory -
Digit Span 9
Letter Num Seq 10
Arithmetic 11
Processing Speed -
Coding 12
Symbol Search 12
Cancellation 14
I am sorry I had the processing speed slightly wrong (from memory last time) and it is reported as 112 which is a bit higher but still large discrepancy with verbal and perceptual.
On Achievement (He is 8.4 yrs) he got -
REading fluency: 8 years 2 months
Reading comprehension: 8 years 1 month
Spelling was in the 14th percentile with age of 7 yrs 1 month
Maths Reasoning: 55th percentile
Numerical Operations: 42nd percentile
Writing - not completed as said too tired and 'too hard' for him to write so much. In the rapid naming task (oral)where he had to write out names of things he fell in 75th percentile but with large numbers of spelling errors. Apparently he had to link sentences into one grammatically correct sentence and he even made errors in spelling with the words in front of him!! He did not use correct punctuation or capitalisation. He found it difficult to organise thoughts and only wrote short sentences leaving out information and ignoring punctuation.
The comments were that in maths he would often try to work it out in his head (even though paper available) He made careless errors and sometimes confused symbols (even in the same sum) he also tended to guess and rushed to get stuff over with instead of going through problem solving steps.
In reading he is described as a slow reader who shows some lack of fluency tending at times to read 'word for word' and over punctuation marks. He tends to guess at unknown words (eg adventure/action; crossed/closed) which leads to errors in comprehension of text. In comprehension task he preferred to guess rather than look back at text.
Sorry about length of text but I was wondering if anything jumps out at anyone from the more detailed results? perhaps it has already been said before and the above just confirms - I am not sure. I would very much welcome any comments at all.