There is a broad trend in US colleges to admit based on diversity rather than merit, and a tacit agreement to cover it up. Since I first joined this forum over 10 years ago, I have seen our gifted community on a collision course with the woke. Fortunately, the following organizations are addressing the matter in federal court. update on the latter two is here And here’s an update on SFFA:
MARCH 4, 2025
1. SFFA v. Air Force Academy (D. Co. Dec. 10, 2024)
· Summary: SFFA sued the Air Force Academy over its race-based admissions process.
· Update: On January 2, 2025, Judge Nina Wang was assigned to our case. Defendants have to respond by March 17. Our proposed scheduling order is due April 7.
2. SFFA v. Naval Academy (D. Md. Oct. 5, 2023)
· Summary: SFFA sued the Naval Academy, claiming its scheme of race-based admissions was unconstitutional after SFFA v. Harvard.
· Update: The Court granted our motion to file a longer brief, so we’ll get 15,000 words—or roughly 60 double-spaced pages—in our opening brief. The government has signaled that it will soon change positions. Our opening brief is now due on April 7.
3. SFFA v. West Point (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 19, 2023)
· Summary: SFFA sued West Point over its race-based admissions process.
· Update: Discovery is ongoing. Defendants tried to stay the case for 90 days, but the Court rejected their request and gave SFFA more time to conduct discovery.
4. SFFA v. University of Texas-Austin (W.D. Tex. July 20, 2020)
· Summary: In 2020, SFFA sued the University of Texas at Austin over its use of race in admissions. Though UT agreed not to consider race after Harvard, it refused to do what most other schools (including Harvard and UNC) have done: blind its admissions officers to racial data when they are evaluating prospective students.
· Update: UT and intervenors filed their appellate briefs on January 15. We filed our reply on February 5. The Fifth Circuit “tentatively” set oral argument for the week of April 28th.