MM19, I replied to your earlier post and now will add a bit more information which may (or may not) be helpful, depending upon your child's particular test-taking circumstances and whether this information is new to you.

Sometimes the test administrator will include in the full written report any observations which they may have made during testing, such as a child becoming tired, hungry, bored, distracted, etc which may have affected concentration, focus, and ultimately the score.
For future testing, the articles in this old post may be of interest:
http://giftedissues.davidsongifted....t_do_you_tell_your_DC_be.html#Post174222BTW, If your child's actual VECI score is above criteria for acceptance, that should be sufficient.
It was unclear to me from your post, whether your child's VECI was above criteria only if the confidence interval was taken into consideration... ?
Or did your question about the confidence interval only applied to the overall composite WISC score... ?