Hi, not sure why you haven't see more response on this - I mean I don't think anyone here can say definitively yes or no to your question 'am I gifted'? however the scenario you describe - the salutatorian of your class, while others with lower academic achievement were selected for /tested for gifted programs could go either way.
At most schools, high grades can be achieved by following rules, studying very hard and having decent natural ability, in the 'above average' or 'bright' range - it doesn't rule giftedness in or out. But the fact that you are interested in the question of your own ability/giftedness is kind of telling, sounds like there is more there, more than just good grades on your part, for you to be 'obsessing' on this, in your words.
I think you might do well to acquaint yourself with some of the giftedness markers in many of the articles on this site and others - if you go through some of the lists of characteristics and really see yourself there, it is probably reasonable to consider yourself gifted. However, giftedness doesn't mean you'll always be successful in all pursuits, a few people are like that, but most are great at a few things and not so great at others.
If you want to 'reset' from where you are...since it kind of sounds like you feel like you've gotten off track, consider therapy or life coaching - pursuing a conversation about why college - this college at this time, might have been a mis-fit for you may help you take another shot at whatever you think will lead you in a good direction through your 20s and beyond. But for sure, at 20, MOST people, gifted or otherwise, are winging it, to say the least, so please don't fret too much on it.

I am a pretty successful IT person now, but at 20? well....let's just say I had a ways to go. some links that might be a good place to start, if you have not already -
https://www.davidsongifted.org/search-database/topic/105260/entrytype/1 Gifted Adults - Hoagies