With dyslexia in the family, I'd keep a close watch on this. Verbally-gifted kids have some astounding super-powers of compensation, and can fake it to an incredible level, for an unbelievably long time.
As others note above, there's two common - an opposing - explanations for what you see. I am myself a fast and good reader, and quite often when reading aloud to the kids, my attention drifts a few sentences ahead. Which means I am speaking more from memory than text (and I am an old lady whose memory skills fall way behind my reading ability). So sometimes I mix word order, change a sentence tense, or substitute synonyms, because my eyes have moved on and I am recalling more than reading.
Dyslexics also skip a lot of words. They typically focus on the big, meaningful words, and jump over the little bits, articles and suffixes especially. These tend not to be big enough to have easy recognition by shape, or unique content.
My best suggestion is to look for hints as to whether she is summarizing vs. guessing/ skipping. Some things I would consider red flags, from our own experience: Missing words, especially articles, that result in her speaking a sentence that isn't grammatically correct. A tendency to particularly substitute words that start with the same sound or letter (suggesting she's guessing the word at the time, rather than just substituting a synonym in recall). Turning sentences into present tense, especially if she does a bit of hesitating/ backtracking/ re-stating part-way through (trying to reword the sentence to fix the fact that she's left off verb suffixes like "ing" or "ed"). Similarly, stumbling more on adverbs, and maybe trying to re-structure the sentence to make sense after using them as an adjective (adverbs tend to have extra suffixes like -ly or -ment, and missing them tends to turn them into adjectives). More trouble around names or other proper nouns (or spells

) she hasn't seen enough to sight read. Unusual resistance to reading out loud vs silently.
When DD was in grade 3 (and supposedly reading on grade level - in two languages), we started a remediation program. Page 1 was a three-column list of three-letter words. I was stunned at how many she got wrong. No context, very little shape, not much there to help her fake it. It was a lot easier to see the guessing. Most commonly, she added a letter (such as turning fog into frog; cap into clap). An exercise like that might be a quick and dirty way to help you get a better sense of how much guessing your DD is doing.