Just as an update, I met with my son's teacher last week but didn't get a ton of good information. They're painting the school over the summer and this particular teacher is retiring so I think she's super distracted by end of the year preparations. She's basically so wowed by his good reading skills that she wasn't focusing on much else and isn't too worried about him. I did find out that a) he's not frustrated or working significantly more slowly than other kids in his class and b) he probably hasn't gotten much (any) direct phonics instruction because they usually give that during individual reading groups and he's reading at a high level. I've also had him read a few lists of nonsense words and things like that - he can decode one syllable nonsense words quite readily but struggles if they're a little unusual or multisyllabic.
Based on everything, I went and bought All About Spelling levels 1 & 2 and I'll work through those with him over summer, as well as some handwriting and typing work. And I'll be sure to let his 2nd grade teacher know what's been going on next year. If he's still having trouble I can put him forward for dyslexia testing next year. My friend who's a reading specialist is also going to do some light screening for him this summer and give me her opinion as well.
So basically nothing is resolved but I have a plan for the summer!

Thanks again to everyone who gave input and resource ideas.