The page owner, from what I can tell, is not operating in good faith. They immediately delete comments they don't agree with and refuse to answer or provide evidence for their wild claims. Asking for that evidence will get you blocked
Unfortunately this may be more common than some may realize, although this particular community facebook page is transparent in noting its policy. In my observation and experience, some state affiliates of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) also delete and/or block and/or ban.
To remain on topic: Reflecting on these facebook page policies causes me to say that a large difference in gifted children today as compared with decades ago, is how
the concept of giftedness has become politicized... and is considered by some to not be "politically correct" in this age of equal outcomes.
That said, I believe that whenever possible (such as when making assertions about giftedness on a forum or facebook page) it is wise to include a source... preferably a linked source... or state that something is anecdotal (part of one's lived experience... related by a friend-of-a-friend... or simply use that catch-all phrase "in my observation and experience...").