This may sound the opposite of what you'd want to do, but have you thought of just letting her self-teach and find her own resources? My ds takes piano lessons, but he also has taught himself a ton on his own. He is not necessarily doing things the way I would have thought to have him taught - I took classical piano lessons for my entire childhood and practiced every day, way before there was electronic music and keyboards

DS, otoh, was never taught in-depth theory yet picked up a ton of it on his own by listening to the music he liked. With the tools available now to integrate technology, a kid who's inclined to be musical can learn so much just by doing and experimenting - ds spends a lot of time hopping back and forth between his laptop, our keyboard, and our piano. In spite of his lack of traditional musical instruction he plays really well and in a way that he can entertain a crowd.
It's also possible that if you let her experiment on her own, she may eventually decide that she'd like formal lessons.
Best wishes,