We seem to have saved the best for last. DS17 has straight As, apart from two months wallowing in F in APBio, but by turning in the missing homework he's up to a C in that.
This is his first year with an IEP, and between his supportive study hall and case worker, medication, and just by chance a great schedule, he is thriving. We are visiting colleges, and when he sits in on classes he is surprised that they are working on things he's already done. This year he is in 2 APs but also 2 "beyond AP", classes where the college board doesn't offer the exam anymore but our school still offers the courses. He's loving it. Has decided on CompSci for a major, but also music composition. His theory teacher worked with him to arrange and submit a composition to the state competition. This is huge for DS, he would not work with a teacher like this before. And he asked his CompSci teacher for a rec for the college apps. Another step forward!
We missed conferences to go on college visits, so I will try to get with his teachers in the next week or two.
Our biggest worry is writing the college essay.