@aeh - yes kids may be less likely to do the computer based work, but it only takes 7 minutes a day, so it not impossible.
in praise of the $4000 program however:
The main reason that the first dr, with our dd, did recommend the full vt program is that he identified issues across the board for her vision, involving cross body motion (crawling as a baby works on some of these things) and other similar issues which resulted in her needing what I would call physical therapy rather than just therapy focused on her eyes.
examples: bouncing on a small trampoline while focused on a point on a wall
catching a ball one handed over and over
and things of that nature (obviously using your eyes, but also involving the whole body).
that is not going to occur in the computer program, but I honestly could not tell it if it makes it more or less valid, just different...I will state that dd6 went from not reading more than a paragraph at a time in a sitting (although she could read very large words separately) to:
8 months later, reading small chapter books with pleasure. So, imo, those are results that seemed worth it.
other changes: went from unable to catch a ball (literally would get a ball in the face sometimes) to having very good hands.
So I guess the hand-eye / body-eye coordination that was lacking was vastly improved.
Sorry there are so many conflicting bits of info on it.