DD11 has always had an incredible appreciation for aesthetics. Even as a little one she would stare enraptured by a beautiful flower or sunset or painting. She listens closely to the words of songs and takes the messages - which most people probably barely notice - very much to heart.
She belongs to a fairly prestigious choral group that performs a lot. In addition to typical concerts they regularly perform at homeless shelters, hospitals, assisted living centers, etc. They even just do pop up performances on the city streets a few times a year. The idea is to bring as much music - and as much joy - to as many people as they can. Right up her alley. At her first concert with them the adults in the group sang "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas. They were performing at an assisted living center at the time and DH and I joked about the propriety of singing that particular song to a room full of elderly people, many of whom were in failing health. As we chuckled DD ran by us sobbing. The words were just SO sad... She ran out again 6 months later when family members in the group sang "I'll Be Seeing You" in honor of their recently deceased grandfather. She just felt so awful for them...
Fortunately the director gets it and told DD "that's why you are such a good performer - you are sensitive and you get the deeper meaning." She may feel sad hearing about someone's grandfather dying but set it to music and she crumbles into an emotional mess.