I find myself being a helicopter parent because I think it is a different system. When I went to school, they tested us, they accelerated the ones that needed to be accelerated, the schools were good. My parents sat back, they came and said we have to accelerate your kid, OK? They said OK? They came and said, we need to put her in special enrichment, they said OK. But---I did push myself to skip more in high school, I chose my university, handled my admission, decided on my courses since I entered high school.
I went to a meeting yesterday with the school board, sort of an IEP. They talked about DD not doing so well in groups, listening to other kids. Getting distracted. I thought about myself, doodling, my mind racing. Working in groups, people would talk, then I would act and they would yell at me to stop, they were still discussing. I thought "why?" When I talked to DD after and told her they said she was still (came up before in teacher conference), she said she does listen, they say something ridiculous, she then explains why it doesn't work, but they still want to try because they can't see the laws of physics not working. I digress, not about helicopter parenting, but it hit me yesterday, more than anytime before how much her nature is like mine. And I think I have to step back and let her make choices. And make plans to figure out her path. Afterall, she is 11