DS age 11 is 2e but the primary stumbling block in social skills appears to be related to his quirky sense of humor and inattentiveness (ADDish). At least these social skill deficits apply to him:
Has trouble taking turns
Interrupts or blurts out answers
Wants things immediately
Doesn’t give others the chance to speak (Little Professor, lectures at people)
Is a poor listener and loses the point of what’s being said
Gives up easily on tasks, even in group activities (he tends to not track with others)
Constantly moves around and fidgets
I need to help him as it's come to a place where he basically said to me that he can't wait for middle school as he is the most unpopular kid in the 5th grade and he's ruined himself at his elementary. I don't have the heart to tell him that middle school is even worse

. I need to teach him any social skills I can, and fast. Does anyone have any resources? I don't want to put him in a once a week class because I think we need to work faster and more intensively than that. Plus he is smart, I think he can pick it up really quick so long as I'm super clear about what is happening. Does anyone have a social skills workbook or online resource? Something like Khan Academy for social skills would be ideal…. I did already give him an app called Give Me 5 and he blew through that already. Any ideas?