I haven't seen this, but I can easily imagine how confusing this would be for *any* kid, much less one with anxiety and social communication issues.
What I've found (and keep finding more) is that DS often does not have his story straight, when it comes to what teachers have said in class. I think this is a mx of his attentional issues and his communication issues.
As an example: he told me this week that an assignment for which he had a zero was one that he is not allowed to turn in, at all, even for partial credit. It was something really easy, so I don't think he was deliberately misleading me, though anything is possible. I emailed teacher for weekly check-in and mentioned this--teacher said that he told the class he was "putting zeroes in the grade book" until they turned in the assignment. Many of them hadn't finished it. DS either didn't hear or didn't understand or something. GAH.
My (belabored) point is, maybe check with teacher before deciding DS has the whole story. I'm always hesitating to ask questions, because I feel like I already take up more of their time than I should. Another poster here made the comment that it's not her job to make the teachers like her and I'm running with that, now. Very liberating. Or, at least, kind of liberating.