I am embarrassed to admit I had no idea Siri could do this! My overall opinion of Siri has been pretty mixed (when I need her, I can't figure her out). Of course, my DD already knew about this feature, and we played with it on the way to school today. Impressive! DD was talking in a very odd, unnatural way (kind of like a rap) while demonstrating--and Siri caught every single word. And that was with a lot of ambient noise!
I see a lot of potential with this, and yes, even for myself. I'm not sure that DS has a real writing disability, but he definitely has a lot of trouble with initiation (aka writer's block, or maybe just his rigid nature). It seems like this would be a good way to start a draft--get down some key ideas and then edit.
Thank you, everyone! I'm kind of a Luddite...time for some new learning.