Very diplomatically said aeh! I definitely encourage my kids to question authority if necessary

They're here to learn and grow and enjoy, not blindly follow orders. If they think something's wrong I want to hear about it! I think we may quietly be a bit of a rabble-rousing family in a polite, respectful way

Anywho, OP, I don't think from your description that your DS is any different to other boys i've seen in general activities and IMO it's the leader that needs a big attitude adjustment. They're in the wrong position if they can't handle a smarty pants kid or two. Tell them to pull their head in and stop being such a sook! (See, rabble-rousing)
In my DD's Girl Guides group there's a really annoying girl who's always making trouble, being smart, pinching things, wrecking things, making other girls cry etc etc. Annoying, but I in no way expect her to be kicked out. That is extreme.
I think maybe it's a bit unfair for your DS to be yelled at about behavior that's acceptable everywhere else except in this activity. He'll get the gist about what people will and won't put up with as he goes, he doesn't have to figure it all out at once right here and now because of one person:)