Originally Posted by JonLaw
I would give it a few years to see what happens.

Age 4 seems a bit young to get a good read on these issues.

Some people with these issues do just fine. Some don't. It depends on the person.

Yes. My son as a four year old presented as having all three, and he was very, very atypical and required constant management. He was a very happy kid but could melt down at the drop of a hat. He had massive sensory issues (mostly vestibular and proprioceptive seeking, but also oral, auditory and tactile). He was insatiably curious and way ahead of age peers in a few areas. He was HHHYYYYPPPPEEERRRR.... and SOOOOO IMPULSIVE. I could (LITERALLY) not take my eyes (or a hand) off of him in public or he'd flee in search of his latest adventure (he actually escaped from preschool once and caused a building lock down and search - they found him in the parking lot THANK HEAVENS)... I could go on and on (and on)...

Now he's ten and a completely different kid. He has an ADHD diagnoses and spectrum issues have been ruled out. He great now. Absolutely great. Again, I could go on and on about all the behavioral areas in which he's improved, but for the sake of brevity I won't. (Fyi, he's never been medicated - it's all been structure, consequences, diet, exercise, and good old fashioned growth and maturity).

Anyway, so yes... 4 is young, and some kids just need more time.