Anyone have experience with this program for a rising 8th grader? Or other similar middle school summer camps strong in humanities?
DD11's camp requests:
- ideally 1 week, not longer than 2 weeks
- ideally on a college campus (she wants real beds, spider-free bathrooms, and air conditioning)
- buffet / try as many foods as you want meals
- lots of female participants (single-sex programs okay)
- ideally requires a plane change to get there (anywhere you name will meet this test!)
- class options in history / geography / literature / classics / social justice
- enrichment topics, rather than acceleration / for-credit
- no letter / number grades, narrative evaluations are just fine
- collaborative, non-competitive culture
- limited opportunities to get dirty / sunburned, indoor physical activity okay
- racial / ethnic / religious diversity desirable
- US / Canadian programs only
- high volume of handwritten work may be problematic; high volume of reading / oral discussion would be fine
- DD will be 12 and a rising 8th grader for next summer and has qualifying ACT reading test scores for any program requiring test scores
All of the other shorter programs I've found have a math and/or science bent. Going up to 2 weeks adds the UVA Summer Enrichment Program, CBK GLOW, and U of Oregon Summer Enrichment Program.
Big-name 3-week classes (which I agree will be too long): TIP's designation of Humanities classes as "writing intensive" leads me to believe they'll be a poor match. I think she'd love the CTY Etymologies course if it were not 20 days long. CTY maybe has too wide of an age range, too.