all right I guess I'll jump in... can I just say at the outset that I hate nursing (currently breastfeeding #5, 7 weeks) - I'm a complainer! If it weren't for food allergies, and the mere thought of weaning, I probably would have already quit lol. I'm aiming for a year (my last one weaned at 11 months, I only pumped a few months for the twins, and nursed my first one for 9 months). DH and I were both bottle fed, and he's HG, so I don't think it hurt him much. My kids have had various latch issues, plenty of pain involved, etc.; what's up with that...
as for labor and delivery stories - following several failed IVF cycles and jumping head first into adoption, I conceived my first thanks to my own research - had to argue with my doc, etc. Long story, but thank goodness for the internet

#1 DD7 was delivered at term by scheduled section for breech (left handed, visual-spatial, 5 lbs 14 oz, speech delay, sensory and vision processing issues, etc. - this was the only pregnancy for which I was not taking anticoagulants for clotting issues)
#2 and #3 DS5 (right handed, 4 lbs 15 oz, speech delay) and DS5 (left handed, visual-spatial, 3 lbs 13 oz, speech delay, developmental delays, sensory processing issues) delivered vaginally with epidural after PROM at 33 weeks; 12 and 18 days in the nicu; I had plenty of bedrest beforehand
#4 DS2 delivered vaginally with epidural - ah my one child who has not had developmental and speech delays

(knock on wood lol), 7 lbs 9 oz
#5 DS(7 weeks; 6 lbs 14 oz) delivered vaginally, no time for epidural or any meds - that was not my plan LOL - what an experience - long story. I'd still prefer to have the epi (if only so that I could enjoy the delivery rather than thinking "get that thing away from me" lol when they offered to place him on my chest; I was shaking too much), but if we ever were to have another I doubt there would be time (not to mention the anticoagulants I was on). I went from 5 cm to delivering in under 90 minutes; total labor 5 hours. My contractions were 6 minutes apart when I called the OB to tell her I was coming in; guess next time I'd go in even earlier whether they let me or not lol. With the kind of pain I was having, I was afraid of rupture this time (my third vbac), but it all worked out.
I'm tired now - time for a quick nap while I have the chance - ds(7 wks) was up at midnight, 3 am, 5 am, 6 am, etc. (big kids were up at 6:11)
I can't believe I have this many biological kids after so much infertility treatment. How did I get here... (and now the OB is hounding me about contraception! I'm 40, and won't really be fertile till I stop nursing and go back on metformin).