Hello ladies!
It has been a long time since I've been to this Forum! How is everyone doing?
Just a quick update on dd;
The end of the school year review from her GT teacher was fantastic. She received excellent marks in all of the areas they are working on. Her teacher said she is accelerating at a quick pace, surpassing the rest of the kids in the class. Next year will be far more challenging and I think dd is really looking forward to it. Oh, and on a side note; the school has assessments that they do for all students beginning in 3rd grade but give them a practice test to get used to (on the computer) at the end of 2nd. They're expected to only know half the material. Dd was so high on the reading that she hit the ceiling! Her teacher told me that her overall score was the highest a 2nd grader has ever gotten!

(proud mommy moment).
We're enjoying the summer and just trying to relax a bit. I just wanted to come say hello to everyone! Please update me on how you are all doing!