Thank you all for your comments

Loy58 - I am not aware of any extended scoring on the JSAIS. I know a friend's child who hit 8+ on all subtests bar 1. She was 6 so it was enough to get the grade skip they were after. That's all you get if they hit the ceiling - "8+". and I know he will be 8+ in several areas.
Tigerle - We have been offered a substantial discount on the feedback session if we do both kids together. I am waiting for feedback to see if our Medical Aid Fund would cover the testing and then it will be fine to wait for 7 theoretically. He will most likely start Pre-IGCSE work in at least 2 subjects in January. That covers 2 grades. In order for him to be "allowed" to prep for the IGCSE exams (in theory a 2 year course that comes after the Pre courses) we have to be able to give in full test results. This kid is all about leaps and bounds. Right now I have no idea if he will even want to do the work for those exams at that age, but if he does want to and I don't have the results... Then he will have to wait another calendar year to gain access to the materials and tutors (which I am more keen on than the exams to be honest).
aeh - i had no idea the norms were that old on the SSAIS! wow!
Puffin - I know these tests are used here as they are localised norms; I am not sure if she considers utilising other tests. I have not done an IQ test myself so I have no idea if it's due to language, social, historical or environmental differences that perhaps made the traditional testing tools less effective? (my totally uneducated suggestions as to why)
Loy58 - yes that is why I worry. He will be young and will be asking for admission to these high school-level modules and exams. So my main reason for testing is to get him accepted into that when he is ready to do so. And for my own understanding so that as we homeschool we will know best how to meet his needs.