LOL about the butt bone, Dottie!

Forgive me if I've shared this story before, but it amuses me, so I happily tell it again and again!

When a friend of mine who had never seen my first son as an infant and I were both pregnant (she with #3 and I with #2), she was talking about how cute babies are when they're first born, "with their little stick arms and legs." I had no idea what she was talking about, as my son at birth had resembled a plump holiday turkey!
Then later, the same group of friends were discussing how hard the last month of pregnancy is. That same woman shook her head, "No, I don't think it's so bad..." It turned out she had delivered at 36 weeks EXACTLY with both her kids, whereas I had gone to 42 weeks with both of mine.
When she realized this, a look of horror crossed her face, and she exclaimed, "Ohmigod! You gave birth to a 6-week-old child! No WONDER the last month was bad for you!"
I laughed until I almost wet myself! (Which was not too hard to do with a fat holiday turkey sitting on my bladder!)