Okay, we talked about what he was trying to convey.... Why was he including his EDS and dysgraphia but not, say, his severe peanut allergy? We talked all about it and he said he wants people to know that he is a writer who couldn't write. He feels that is his identity. He is a writer who has had to persevere and find ways around his disabilities to do his passion. This has really shaped his life and will continue to do so. So, I talked about the stuff you guys said here re boundaries, time and place, etc. and the things said by his peers being too negative. We talked about all of that and then I asked him to re-write it with those things in mind and what he wants people to know about him in a snapshot.
So, when he re-wrote, he wrote: "DS dislikes school but loves learning. He has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and Dysgraphia, which make handwriting almost impossible, but when he can write using the computer he is a beast! DS loves to read and write fantasy fiction and sci-fi. His other favorite things are playing on the computer, particularly Minecraft and Warcraft 3, and playing ice hockey for {local} Team. He is eight years old, turning nine, and is going into the third grade at --- Elementary"
I edited it to:
"DS dislikes school but loves learning. He is eight years old, turning nine in September, and is going into the third grade at -- Elementary. DS has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and Dysgraphia, which make writing by hand almost impossible; but, there is no limiting his creativity when he can write using a computer! DS loves to read and write fantasy fiction and sci-fi. His other favorite pastimes are playing on the computer, particularly Minecraft and Warcraft 3, and playing ice hockey for [Local] Ice Hockey Team."
I am thinking that's better? Apparently, it is important to him to share that he is an aspiring writer who has dysgraphia but will not let that stop him from achieving his dreams.
Thanks for all of your help! I know it's a bit trite and I am a little dense

- thanks for your patience and help! I am glad I ran it by y'all and you all took the time to advise. I think we are in weird situation, most 8 year olds don't have this kind of life experience/challenge hanging over them. Most of them really do just have fun playing baseball. love school and do well at school, etc... So things like this can be a little more complicated with our kiddos