My mom breast-fed me for 3-6 mos, I think. Back then, that was unusual.
I BF DS7 for 14 mos., at which point he weaned himself--one day he just grinned, clamped his lips together and shook his head "no." I tried again that evening, with the same result. I never BF him again. EASY!
Since I was ready to quit, too, it was GREAT!
DS4 BF for about the same time. Maybe 13mos.? Because by that time--after two kids!--I was tired of feeling like Bessie the cow! I gave a lot of milk, and both my kids were in the 95+ %ile for weight, so they nursed hard. I regularly pumped 2 12-oz. bottles of milk when I pumped! That's a ton of milk! And DS4 had acid reflux, so he yaked up full tummies of milk on a daily basis, literally drenching multiple bath towels, then nursed again. People would see me lay out towels as burp cloths and laugh...until they saw him let loose. Even with the towels, I usually had to change clothes. It was nuts! And before I'd finished drying off, he'd be ready to nurse again.
Moo! :p
So I made sure to go the recommended 12 months with him, but DS4 and I were really *both* ready to be done by that point.
Weaning was also no big deal with DS4, though not quite so easy as with DS7. (What could be?)