Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to talk about the rest of my life for a while.
Let's see - I sprained my ankle on Friday, and been in an ace wrap since Monday. It didn't seem to be improving until I got into see the Physical Therapist on Monday, but now it only hurts 2/10, except when I bang it - yuck!
DS11 is going to camp on Sunday - sleepaway for the first time, just a 'regular camp' although he'll be with grademates, so they will be 1+ year older. I have more socks to buy, and almost nothing has his name on it. I'm starting to think that my sharpie is going to get quite a work out on Friday night. Perhaps an all-nighter? I've got silver for dark colored, and black for light colored.
Srry I haven't been around much lately, first we traveled to the Davidson gathering without DH, then we returned and took off again to the beach with DH for the long weekend. Also I've been driving DH to summer day camps that are almost an hour a way, that's cutting in to my posting time. But it's good because these are 'build it' and 'do it' science camps. DS built and programed robots, and he built airplanes, and marble runs. He's loving it, and still moving around, and it's so great to see the light of love of learning in his eyes.
We saw 'The Love Guru' and totally enjoyed it. I expected it to be more 'off-color' but it was all jokes and references and no explisit stuff. There are plenty of ladies in bikinis but I think I got over that with the 'Nintendo Magazine' pictures when he was 7. He kind of knows that 'that's what sells.' And that 'when he's older' that will probably interest him more. He seems to know that IRL girls are a whole different thing.
I started a garden 'square foot garden' style - but that hasn't taken up much time - except for the research!
But I am spending much much more time cooking since I read, 'The Omnivore's Dilemna.' I'm excited because an IRL girlfriend is interested in going in on a grass-fed half cow with me for the freezer. I used to be big into 'do ahead' cooking. Anyway I'm trying to reduce my dependence on processed food.
Recently I got DS hooked on Orson Scott Card's Alvin Maker Series, and he chewed through all 6, enjoying them very much. I'm finishing Journyman Alvin. So touching! My stock went up so much with DS for the suggestion that I started him on my favorite from my 20's Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover Series
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darkover_seriesIt's such a pleasure to see him enjoying some of my favorite books, it even inspired me to go back and re-read Stormqueen! Talk about people having gifts that change their lives and affect how everyone treats them! The adults in that book make all the classic Sylvia Rimm mistakes with their young gifted female.
Frankly I didn't think that I would ever enjoy reading fiction again because I so much more enjoy chatting with you. I keep thinking it's weird that her characters don't have cell phones. But it is a treat to read in tandem with DS. We often end up in giggle fits over the pronounciations of some of her made up words.
Anyway - now that we have an off topic area, I figured I'd wave and report in. I love you all so much! This place in cyberspace is like having Laran (MZB's word for telepathy) so I can see into your hearts. How cool is that? I'm living in the world I imagined for myself in my 20's.
Love and More Love,