I think that the parents are delusional if they truly believe that "any child" can be
made college-ready by age 11-14.
But yeah, for those that can, I don't see the harm. Obviously.

(This would explain DD's college transcripts, I guess...)
Of course-- they seem to make the rounds every graduation season for the past three or four years, this family...
and it doesn't escape my notice that they are selling
Teach Your Baby to Re---- oh, uh-- I mean whatever it is that they are calling THEIR book. "How to Grow Your Own PG Child."
That's not really dissing a family that does right by their kids like this... it's just... if the media came knocking and asked US what our secret sauce recipe was? (And.. um-- sometimes they have, actually)
We politely demur and thank them for their positive interest, but it's idiosyncratic and private-- and about OUR KID, not our "method."
KWIM? Our "method" has always just been about doing what seems right for our child. Nothing more and nothing less. Ergo, I have no real statement to make to America.