We only have one month left but one month is a long time for DD so we shall see how it'd go. Honeymoon is over between DD and her "former" BFF. They still play together but thankfully, DD is no longer infatuated with her and DD seems to be making more efforts to establish friendship with everyone. The switch in preschool midyear was the right decision for us as we definitely went from a bad fit to a great fit.
She is still young but her main focus seems to be focusing from academics to music. With dance, there was so much she could do but with music, the sky is the limit and unlike with academics, her parents aren't telling her to not worry about it until she is older. She has a wonderful teacher who really believes in her so everything is aligned for her to take off. The interesting thing is, her progress in music seems to be lifting her up in other areas. Her handwriting has gotten very good and not just for her age, she's now a truly fluent reader, and her math fluency is catching up with her conceptual understanding. And to my surprise and joy, she's overcome with her perfectionism with art and is drawing and painting almost every day. She says she knows it's okay to be not as good as she wants to be at first because she remembers really struggling with music but she's getting much better at it because she practices everyday. See, sometimes, you can make kids drink the Kool-Aid.