I may be posting this in the wrong spot, so I apologize. It is my first post, and I am trying to get some ideas on how to handle this situation. My DD went to a Montessori school for PreK and Kindergarten. She is now in 1st (she is 7 yro). She has had all Os and was well above average in most of her standardized testing. She is really only challenged (a bit) in spelling because that wasn't a priority until now. I have found that on average she can miss 5 questions and still get an O. I realized one day that a word that both the teacher and I thought she spelled wrong was actually correct (Smiling- her 2nd i was long, but it had a dot). When I asked the teacher if this would make a difference, would it need to be corrected, the teacher insisted that it wasn't a big deal. After she received an S on her report card, the teacher reevaluated the grades and gave her the 1 point (2%) and she got her O. This go around she was on task at midterm, she had mid to high 90s in everything but spelling. So we focused on that, she didn't miss any the second half (I think I helped her study on three days in 4 1/2 weeks) She comes home with an S in science

So I go online to see what her grades were, because she wasn't bringing home bad grades. She brought home one test/quiz, and it was 7 out of 8 points. WELL...that was her WHOLE GRADE for the whole 9 weeks! I am going to go in tomorrow and ask how they can base 9 weeks worth of learning on 8 points. FYI- the 1 point she missed is because she said 'The teacher told us 1 of the choices had to be wrong' It was a multiple choice question with all correct answers. I can't very well go on hearsay, BUT I can be upset that my child's grade was based on 8 points, right? And to just clarify...I am not so much upset about the grades as I am that she hasn't really learned anything. Yes a little history, and a little in spelling, but she has 100% in her extended math, and they were suppose to be doing something with her with extended reading. They assigned her a book report of her choosing, a biography. She chose JFK. She is getting credit for that, but it isn't really work. I think we worked on it for about 3 days. How do I approach this teacher when she said to me 'She is trying as hard as she can' and 'An S isn't a bad grade' even though she doesn't understand that the work is BORING HER. The one day last year, she woke up and was on the verge of tears because she said she was SO BORED, that was before they pulled her out for Math, and now that is the only happy part of her day