As it turns out, she was using the old CTOPP and GORT and DS' scores declined considerably with Tester 2's better instruments and newer norms.
Tester 1 completely ignored his original very low rapid naming speed. The CTOPP 2 contains more rapid naming subtests
fwtxmom, can I ask a question or two about the tests? My dd who struggled with reading had a comprehensive reading eval about 1.5 years ago including both CTOPP and GORT... and based on your post I'm wondering if she had the most recent versions of the tests. The CTOPP version of her report doesn't list a version number (ie, no "2") and the only rapid naming subtests are labeled "rapid digit naming" and "rapid letter naming". Were there more rapid naming tests in the version of CTOPP your ds had?
The GORT version is listed as GORT-5 but there is also a GORT-4 referenced, and I'm not sure which test dd took - the subtests for GORT listed are Rate, Accuracy, Fluency, Comprehension and Oral Reading Quotient. Does this sound like the set of subtests your ds had on the GORT? and was he given the GORT-5?
eta - I think I answered my own questions by googling - it looks like my dd had the most recent version of the GORT, but the old version of the CTOPP. I am hoping to have her tested again later this summer since she's made a ton of progress recently, so I'm glad you posted about the new CTOPP test as now I'll know to ask about the version - thank you!
ps - fwiw, my dd had slightly different challenges with reading - her rapid naming tests were average range, she had really low sound-symbol knowledge, and her GORT scores were across-the-board below average. Yet she took the WJ-III Achievement tests not long after her reading eval, and before she'd made any reading progress... and she scored really high in reading! The tester showed me a few examples of the reading passages on the WJ-III, and the things he showed me were on flip-pages in extremely large font - like the size you see in books for the legally blind, so I wonder if having the really large font didn't help. I don't know how large the font size is on the GORT.