...when your 14yo's idea of a "fun" spring break (at least the first 24 hours) is a combination of:
a) dreaming up projects for her Statistics term project... only most of them are going to require faculty assistance and an IRB approval...
so she turns to...
b) reading banned books (so far we've gone through
Clockwork Orange, Go Ask Alice, Snow Falling on Cedars, and Cat's Cradle, since yesterday morning, but only because I can't find
Invisible Man.) I foresee another trip to the library and the local bookstore in our very near future...
c) THEN she turns to Finale Notepad again, but eventually got exasperated with the tonal limitations at the computer, went to the piano... and is composing a truly LOVELY melody on the piano with paper and pencil as I type this. Seriously nice melody. Has a bit of a Jay Ungar feel about it-- it's that kind of "discovered, not made" thing. But novel-- I've got a good memory, and it's not something she's pulled from anywhere that I know.
Man, when they are into something... a PG kid can
wow you with the speed and expertise.
Also on the agenda-- finishing a few craft projects, designing a charity quilt or two, and working on a short story and polishing her... um... well, I guess it's technically an operetta.

<--- the contrast with "what school thinks I should spend my time doing" is pretty extreme. I mean, yeah, +3 to +4 acceleration and it seems like she's working at high level most of the time, but then she really cuts loose like this and I realize...
most of the time, WE. HAVE. NO. IDEA.