... when you have to seriously limit your teen's caffeine intake. Why? Because excessive amounts...
release the muse within... in which case it becomes VERY difficult for her to pretend to be normal. She turns into the "oracle" for (her terms) the Incan Lemur God. He speaks through her... and has ideas like Hamlet, the musical. It's like the Delphic Oracle, but-- er,
Of course, when she takes the brakes off like this, her brain works so fast that she is downright astonishing in her productivity, but it's like placing a Tiger into an airline crate intended for a poodle. Bit of a mismatch at this point in time, even in AP classes. I've quite literally never encountered another person like her.
I wonder how painfully tight-fitting her "normal" suit must be, having seen underneath it in these glimpses of
furious intellectual passion.